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Call us: 231-399-0700
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Wool Insulation Quote

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    Quick Specifications

    Note: The exact measurements for 16″ and 24″ rolls are listed below and are designed for use between framing members (studs, joists, and rafters) that are 16″ or 24″ on-center. Please include a note in the comments section if you need a quote that will work with metal studs. Also include a note if some or all of your square footage will be installed edge-to-edge (not between framing members) as this affects coverage.

    Roll Sizes and effective coverage for 16 inch rolls:

    R13: 3.5 inches x 14.5 inches x 16 feet (19.33 Sq Ft per roll edge-to-edge, 21.33sf between 16″ O.C. framing)

    R19: 5.25 inches x 14.5 inches x 12 feet (14.5 Sq Ft per roll edge-to-edge, 16sf between 16″ O.C. framing)

    Roll Sizes and effective coverage for 24 inch rolls:

    R13: 3.5 inches x 22.5 inches x 16 feet (30 Sq Ft per roll edge-to-edge, 32sf between 24″ O.C. framing)

    R19: 5.25 inches x 22.5 inches x 12 feet (22.5 Sq Ft per roll edge-to-edge, 24sf between 24″ O.C. framing)

    Application Information

    SheepRoll insulation is designed for use in new and existing homes within the loft, rafters, internal wall, inter-floor use and throughout all parts of a wooden framed building.

    First Selection

    Size: 16"24"

    R-Value: R-13R-19

    How many square feet?
    OR how many rolls?

    Second Selection

    Size: 16"24"

    R-Value: R-13R-19

    How many square feet?
    OR how many rolls?

    Third Selection

    Size: 16"24"

    R-Value: R-13R-19

    How many square feet?
    OR how many rolls?

    Fourth Selection

    Size: 16"24"

    R-Value: R-13R-19

    How many square feet?
    OR how many rolls?

    Please provide your shipping details so we can calculate the shipping cost

    Address 1:

    Address 2:

    City: State Zip

    Any questions or comments?