ChemLink Pro Pack Urethane Pourable Sealant (Roof Penetration Sealant) #F1000
PRO PACK is a two-part urethane sealer for use in the warranted ChemCurb/E-Curb penetration seals.
Additionally for use in horizontal self-leveling sealing and waterproofing applications, including non-warranted pitch pans.
PRO PACK is a two-part urethane sealer for use in the warranted ChemCurb/E-Curb penetration seals.
Additionally for use in horizontal self-leveling sealing and waterproofing applications, including non-warranted pitch pans.
ChemLink Pro Pack Urethane Pourable Sealant (Roof Penetration Sealant)
ChemLink PRO PACK is a two-part, self-leveling pourable urethane sealant designed for ChemCurbs, E-Curbs and other roof penetration seals. In both new construction or repairs, PRO PACK'S fast setting technology allows for minimal down time and the ability to complete your roof project quickly and efficiently.
It is designed for use in horizontal self-leveling, sealing and waterproofing applications. When properly mixed, PRO PACK cures to a tough rubber mass with excellent low temperature elasticity and adhesion.
ChemLink PRO PACK resists deterioration caused by weather, joint movement, water and ice. It is also resistant to oils, fuels, and many chemicals.
ChemLink PRO PACK is 100% solid rubber. PRO PACK has no solvents, no volatile organic content, (V.O.C.) and will not shrink after application.
PRO PACK has excellent adhesion to most construction materials.
PRO PACK contains no asphalt or coal tar.
ChemLink Pro Pack for Roofing
PRO PACK is used to fill warranted ChemCurb penetration seals on "low-slope" roofing systems. On a positive slope, allow PRO PACK to partially cure to trowel grade consistency, then top off ChemCurb with a trowel. It is also a waterproof sealant for bridging the transition between different types of roof construction.
Expanded Polystyrene Foam
PRO PACK has excellent adhesion to and is compatible with Styrofoam, EPS, and urethane foam insulation. It bonds and waterproofs tapered foam sheets to form an inseparable composite that is highly resistant to wind uplift.
Expansion Joints
PRO PACK can be used to waterproof cracks and expansion joints in concrete and asphalt pavement, as well as cement roofing construction. Embedding polyester into wet PRO PACK, and top dressing with PRO PACK is recommended.
Special Characteristics
Unlimited cure depth
Service Temperature -40°F to 200°F (-40°C to 93°C)
Can be used above or below grade
Self-leveling - fills and penetrates cracks with tough urethane rubber
Thermosetting - no plastic flow or creep at elevated temperatures
One solid gallon contains 231 cubic inches.
20 mil coverage 81 square feet per gallon.
Two 20 mil applications are required.
ChemLink Pro Pack Urethane Pourable Sealant can be used with the ChemLink ChemCurb System to address the most common source of leaks - Roof penetrations. Pipes, mechanical equipment, vents, solar panels and lightning protection are examples of penetrations which, in time, will create avenues for water. Repeated cycles of load, heat, cold, moisture, water ponding, and ultraviolet inevitably degrade pitch pans, rain caps, boots and other types of seals aimed at preventing leaks.
The ChemLink ChemCurb System replaces the old style metal pitch pans with versatile precast curb components, ChemLink 1-Part Pourable Sealant or ChemLink Pro Pack Urethane Pourable Sealant, and structural adhesive/sealant. The system can usually be installed quickly and eliminates the need for flashing or mechanical attachment.
The ChemLink ChemCurb System is designed for use on granulated modified bitumen, PVC, PIB, TPO single ply, asphalt, and coal tar B.U.R. Please note that TPO Primer must be used on TPO substrates.
The ChemCurb System forms a durable waterproof rubber seal around penetrations of any size. An extended warranty against leaks is activated when CHEM LINK Construction & Maintenance receives a completed warranty card and proof of purchase.
ChemLink ChemCurb precast form components are composed of gray polyester resin. The ChemCurb is 2-inches high and is available in a variety of shapes and sizes. Bisected circular curbs have an inside diameter of 7½ or 5-inches. Straight pieces are available in 6 and 12-inch lengths and combine with 2-inch radius corners to create larger sizes. The outer surface is impervious to ice, corrosion, UV (ultraviolet light), and ponding water.
Chemlink Pro Pack Urethane Pourable Sealant - SDS
Chemlink Pro Pack Urethane Pourable Sealant - Technical Data Sheet