ChemLink NovaLink TX Texturized Joint Sealant
Chemlink NovaLink TX Texturized Sealant is a high performance texturized joint sealant for use in both moving and non-moving joint applications. It is ideal for a wide range of applications where joint movement requires 35% movement with a textured appearance.
Chemlink NovaLink TX Texturized Sealant is a high performance texturized joint sealant for use in both moving and non-moving joint applications. It is ideal for a wide range of applications where joint movement requires 35% movement with a textured appearance.
ChemLink NovaLink TX Texturized Joint Sealant
Chemlink NovaLink TX Texturized Joint Sealant is a gun-grade polyether, moisture cure, texturized elastomeric sealant, formulated for use on expansion joints where a textured appearance is required. NovaLink TX has excellent adhesion to most construction materials including cementitious siding, concrete, glass, roofing, metal and Kynar 500® PVDF-coated metals. NovaLink TX is isocyanate free, paintable and validated for ± 35% joint movement.Basic Uses
- Expansion Joints.
- Block and Masonry
- Pre-cast concrete
- Cementitious siding
- Cove joints
- Weather sealing
Available Sizes
- Carton of 24 - 10.1 oz cartridges
- (20 ounce sausage - case of 12 - special order)
NovaLink TX is available in a variety of highly stable color options that will not suntan when exposed to UV rays. Custom colors are also available upon request:
Stock Colors
- Gray
- Stone
- Black
- White
- Dark Bronze
- Redwood Tan
- Special Bronze
- Special Gray
Special Order Colors (call for availability)
- Aluminum Gray
- Limestone
- Beige
- Medium Bronze
- Almond
- Natural Clay
- Anodized Aluminum
- Aluminum Stone
- Ivory
- Buff