Havelock Wool Blown-in Insulation - Loose Fill


Each bag of loose-fill/blown-in wool Insulation from Havelock Wool contains 30 pounds. This wool insulation is designed to be blown into walls, ceilings, attics, and basement applications. It can have advantages over batts and rolls, including a higher R-value per inch of depth because it can occupy odd-shaped spaces that batts or rolls can not. It can be simply hand-packed into difficult spaces that need insulation or blown in using an electric 110V loose insulation blower.

1 Bag • R4.3 per Inch • 2x4 = R15, 2x6 = R24, Attics up to R60+ • 30 lbs per Bag • 26.45 cubic ft per bag • 21 bags per Pallet

Get a smaller 5# box of loose post-industrial sheep wool insulation.

Or find a 40# box of loose post-industrial sheep wool insulation.

Vendors: Havelock Wool SKU: HW30#loose

Each bag of loose-fill/blown-in wool Insulation from Havelock Wool contains 30 pounds. This wool insulation is designed to be blown into walls, ceilings, attics, and basement applications. It can have advantages over batts and rolls, including a higher R-value per inch of depth because it can occupy odd-shaped spaces that batts or rolls can not. It can be simply hand-packed into difficult spaces that need insulation or blown in using an electric 110V loose insulation blower.

1 Bag • R4.3 per Inch • 2x4 = R15, 2x6 = R24, Attics up to R60+ • 30 lbs per Bag • 26.45 cubic ft per bag • 21 bags per Pallet

Get a smaller 5# box of loose post-industrial sheep wool insulation.

Or find a 40# box of loose post-industrial sheep wool insulation.

Havelock Blown-In Wool Insulation for Blowing / Loose Fill

Need to insulate a wall, ceiling, or floor that is already completely enclosed?  Blow in this natural sheep wool insulation into the enclosed cavities!  Is your attic too difficult to get batts or rolls installed all the way to your exterior walls?  Blow in this safe, healthy natural insulation!  Do you need or want to achieve an R-value that you cannot achieve with rolls or batts?  Perhaps your building code requires more than R13 in a 2x4 wall or more than R20 in a 2x6 wall?  Use Havelock Blown In Wool Insulation to achieve a higher R-value per inch!

Havelock Blown In Wool Insulation Advantages

  • Controls condensation, wool absorbs and releases moisture yet doesn’t lose it’s thermal performance, wool can in fact absorb up to 40 percent of its own weight and remain dry, to the touch.
  • Wool actually heats up when absorbing moisture by up to 45 degrees F, this increases the dew point temperature reducing the risk of condensation.
  • Wool absorbs harmful gasses, e.g. formaldehyde, and then locks them up permanently. Man made insulation emits gases.
  • A better insulator compared to glass fiber insulation, requiring 10 percent less thickness to achieve the same insulating factor.
  • Glass fiber thermal performance deteriorates dramatically when any moisture is present, wool’s performance is not affected.
  • Wool will last for the life of the building due to the resilience of wool, glass fiber may compact and require topping up after 10 years.
  • Wool is truly sustainable, a yearly clip of wool is available as a by-product of the livestock farming. Mineral wool depletes the world’s resources.
  • Wool is a “Carbon sink”, it actually locks up CO2, man-made pollutes CO2 during its manufacture.
  • Very low energy required in its manufacture, requiring 85 percent less energy compared to man- made products.
  • Biodegradable at the end of its life.
  • Safe to handle, no skin or respiratory problems typical of mineral wool.
  • Wool is naturally fire retardant
  • Lastly sheep wool insulation is a product of choice from the consumers perspective, who continue to express their concerns with mineral wool insulation.

Havelock Blown In Wool Insulation also offers advantages versus batts and rolls:

  • Offers a higher R-value per inch: Havelock Wool loose sheep wool offers an R-value of 4.3 per inch
  • Offers the ability to select for any R-value that will fit
  • Can be easier to install, especially in an attic with limited accessibility / headroom or areas with a lot of obstructions that would require cutting of batts

At an R-value of 4.3 per inch, Havelock Loose Sheep Wool will provide:

  • R15 in 3.5" deep 2x4 framing
  • R24 in 5.5" deep 2x6 framing
  • to calculate the R-value you can achieve in a closed cavity, multiple the depth of the cavity by 4.3
  • to calculate how many inches of wool you need to achieve your target R-value, divide by 4.3
Blown in insulation chart

While our sheep wool insulation products were all designed for the home and building insulation industry, we increasingly sell sheep wool insulation for alternative applications, including:

  • Van, Skoolie, and RV Conversions
  • Bee Hives
  • Custom Speaker Enclosures
  • HVAC
  • Smoke Stacks
  • Thermal Shipping Packaging
For van conversions, we have sold all three of our sheep wool insulation products, as well as our cotton: Why Havelock Wool?

Havelocks sources only the best fibers for use in their wool insulation. Driven by time, experience, science and technology, the fibers Havelock uses are a certain dynamic. The fibers are sheared from a specific breed of sheep best suited for insulation.

Havelock does not make its insulation from wool scraps. Instead, they process high quality wool fibers through their proprietary manufacturing process. This yields a uniform, high-performance, long-lasting product.


Havelock Sheep Wool Insulation is healthy, high performance insulation made of 100% wool. It is sustainably harvested in New Zealand and mechanically processed in the US without the use of any chemical binders. The inherent characteristics of the wool fiber provide an exceptional R Value, moisture management, passive indoor air filtration and superb sound absorption. Further Havelock Wool insulation is Class A rated for both fire hazard and flame spread.

Features & functionality

Batt and loose-fill insulation can be used in all insulation applications Fast, easy and safe installation requiring no special protective clothing Class A rated for Fire Resistance and Smoke Development. Treated with boric acid to resist insects. Wool does not support the growth of mold. Passive air filtration — amino acids in wool bond with harmful chemicals No off-gassing — natural characteristics make sheep wool insulation void of harmful chemicals

Environment & materials Improved by:

A uniquely simple process which employs repurposed carding machines, electric motors, needle punches and simple cutting stations Havelock Sheep Wool Insulation is 100% wool — sustainable and renewable. Sheep eat grass blessed by sunshine and rainfall. All SKUs are 100% wool ie no synthetic mix. There are no chemical binders and no high heat is required. No toxic flame retardants as wool is naturally self-extinguising. Wool is compostable at end of an extended useful life. Certifications, rating systems & disclosures: Bureau of Household Goods And Services, Certified Insulation Material Declare, Red List Free Health Product Declaration ASTM E84 - Class A ASTM C518 - Thermal Conductivity ASTM C423 - Noise Reduction Coefficient WUFI Analysis