Nexcem Inquiry Form

Type of Inquiry:
If it’s 2 or 3, then
If it’s “Quotation / Ready to Build”
If it’s “Quotation / Ready to Build”. For each selected
For crawlspace:
  1. Linear ft of Wall
  2. # of Outside Corners (show attached picture)
  3. # Inside Corners
  4. Height of wall
  5. Area of openings in Wall (SF)
  6. Height of wall above openings for openings less than 5ft
  7. Height of wall above openings for openings greater than 5ft
  8. Linear ft (Horizontal) over top of openings
  9. Linear ft (Vertical) on sides of openings
For Basement (No Walkout)
  1. Linear ft of Wall
  2. # of Outside Corners (show attached picture)
  3. # Inside Corners
  4. Height of wall
  5. Area of openings in Wall (SF)
  6. Height of wall above openings for openings less than 5ft
  7. Height of wall above openings for openings greater than 5ft
  8. Linear ft (Horizontal) over top of openings
  9. Linear ft (Vertical) on sides of openings
For basement (Walkout)
  1. Linear ft of Wall
  2. # of Outside Corners (show attached picture)
  3. # Inside Corners
  4. Height of wall
  5. Area of openings in Wall (SF)
  6. Height of wall above openings for openings less than 5ft
  7. Height of wall above openings for openings greater than 5ft
  8. Linear ft (Horizontal) over top of openings
  9. Linear ft (Vertical) on sides of openings
For above Grade (1 Story/Bungalow)
  1. Linear ft of Wall
  2. # of Outside Corners (show attached picture)
  3. # Inside Corners
  4. Height of wall
  5. Area of openings in Wall (SF)
  6. Height of wall above openings for openings less than 5ft
  7. Height of wall above openings for openings greater than 5ft
  8. Linear ft (Horizontal) over top of openings
  9. Linear ft (Vertical) on sides of openings
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